Monday, June 18, 2018

New Tool Monday- A Source for Inspiration

Dog, Laptop, Computer, Glasses, Spectacles, Office

When coming up with today's "new tool", we pondered all the things that are out there just waiting for quilters/sewers/crafters to try. There is one thing, however, that helps us to find and figure out how to use these things. That, of course, is the amazing number of websites, blogs, videos, podcasts, etc. that we find on the internet. What we decided to share today is the some of the sources we like to use in helping us in our creativity. Here's a short list of things we like to peruse whilst seeking inspiration on the internet:

This is a great place to start if you need to give your creative energies a boost. For those of you who haven't visited Pinterest before, it can seem a bit daunting at first. Once you realize it's just a place to store photos of projects, recipes, photos and other things that inspire you, you can get a cup of your favorite hot drink or glass of wine and start pinning.
You can also follow other folks idea boards to see the kind of things that they like. Jeanette's Pinterest can be found here. You can also see what Nanci's Pinterest likes are here.
You can also get sucked into the "Pinterest Vortex" (meaning you lose all track of time and space- or at least making you forget to get dinner started). For these occasions, we recommend that you set a timer, so as not to help you remember there is life outside of your Pinterest boards.

Of course, we hope you read our OTS Blog, but we also want to remind you there are as many quilting/sewing blogs as there as there are patterns. So, search around and find some quilters/sewers whose stuff you like and start to read their blogs. You'll get insight and maybe even some fresh ideas to help your creative journey!

We are pretty sure you can find how to make almost anything on YouTube. When Nanci had forgotten how to corner binding when she was first quilting (and she wasn't with Jeanette to show her), she found a plethora of videos on how to do it. You do need to realize that anyone can make a YouTube video, so sometimes you may watch a few before finding just what would be helpful, but we promise, they are out there!

These are terrific shows that you can listen to while you are busy quilting (or cleaning house if that would help). The best part of podcasts is that you can download them on your phone or iPad and still listen anytime and anywhere. 
Here are a couple that we enjoy:

American Patchwork and Quilting Podcast with Pat Sloan
Such fun as she interviews quilters, historians, designers and shares some great stories.

Thread Cult with Christine Cyr Clisset
Nanci's favorite sewing podcast as it has wonderful interviews with amazing guests from all over the sewing world.

So, there you have it. Some of our favorite ways to use the internet as a source for inspiration. What are some ways the internet helps you utilize your creativity? We'd love to hear your ideas!!

Friday, June 15, 2018

Flashback Friday- Camping It Up

We shared a few posts back about how Jeanette is doing another summer full of Quilt Camps; this year at Will-N-Bee'z Quilt And Coffee Shoppe in Salem. Today's Flashback Friday features some terrific quilts that kids made at last summer's Quilt Camp at Whitlock's Sew and Vac. Jeanette's been the intrepid Quilt Camp director for quite a number of years as she has helped hundreds of boys and girls make a quilt in just a week. Enjoy the look back at the quilts and kids having a great time making them! 

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Quilt Camp is Coming

Just when you thought the kids in your life wouldn't ever be able to quilt with Jeanette, she's back doing Quilt Camp this summer! Boys and girls from 10 years and up can join her at Will-N-Beez Quilt and Coffee Shoppe for a week of fun while they complete a log cabin quilt to take home. Click on the link above to find out all the information you'll need to sign up today!

Monday, June 4, 2018

New Tool Monday:Oh The Places You'll Sew

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Oh, the Places You'll Sew

If you haven't heard, we are super excited at OTS about grandson Joshua's upcoming nuptials in the Czech Republic this July. With this being said, his mom Nanci is heading to Europe to celebrate. She is planning on taking a travel quilting/sewing kit with her, so we thought we'd let her share some of her favorite traveling tools today.
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Thread Heaven- One of our favorite tools
The first tool is Thread Heaven although I just found out that the company is no longer making it. I would therefore be the first to tell you if you see this in a store, BUY IT!!! I never thought hand-sewing without a thread conditioner was a big deal, but after using this for four years, I must say I won't hand-sew without it. It keeps your thread from knotting, strengthens it and helps to make hand- sewing way easier.
I am so serious about this that on a trip I had everything I needed to work on an embroidery project, but I had left my Thread Heaven at home. I ended up not sewing as the frustration level would not have been worth it. I cannot recommend this enough, so be sure to get some when you can find it.

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Makes threading sew much simpler!
The second item I want need to use is a needle threader. This one from Clover is available all over the place and works like magic. It works for regular thread as well as embroidery thread which is super helpful when your eyes aren't quite what they used to be.

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Sew Many Colors!

I have to admit, I  am kind of a thread snob. I used to not care at all then I was introduced to Aurafil Thread. My attitude towards thread has totally changed after trying it. It is fine but strong and 100% cotton. It comes in a bunch of different colors and is what I used for almost all of my sewing and piecing.

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As for needles, I have an assortment of different brands and sizes that I take with me. I don't have a particular brand that is my favorite, but I do like to have a variety of sizes to be ready for whatever I may have to sew. When we were on a recent trip to Virginia one of the suitcases busted a seam, so I just pulled out my travel kit and sewed it right up. I was thrilled to see it was still in place when we got back to Oregon!

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A Snip Here, A Snip There
I generally don't take a large pair of scissors with me. What I do take are my Snip-A-Stitch Snip Scissors made by Havel's. I like them because they are lightweight, easy to pack and perfect for snipping all kinds of thread. I really think they are the perfect travel scissors.

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And a place to store it all!
I love my travel bags! I've had these for a while as they were a gift from my oldest daughter when she worked at Greenbaum's Quilted Forest. I actually have a couple of sets. I use one for all of my toiletries and the large one of this set for my travel sewing kit. Called The Elephant and I, and designed by Jennifer Sampou, it's still available from C&T Publishing. It's big enough to hold all my supplies plus a project or two depending on what I am working on plus it is so bright and cheerful.

 Feel free to share with us as we are always looking to expand our collection of sewing goodies, gadgets and tools. We'd love to see what projects you like to take places as well! 

Friday, June 1, 2018

Flashback Friday: Pretty in Pink

So I had this great plan to have this ready and up this morning before most of you even got that first cup of coffee. Oh well, the best laid plans of mice and men and iPads.

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The Movie

With all the beautiful flowers blossoming right now, I thought we'd share some flowery quilts we did a while ago. Back in the 80's, John Hughes' movies were super popular, especially when they starred Molly Ringwald. Using that as inspiration, we're calling today's Flashback Friday, Pretty in Pink.
Hope you enjoy them as well as your upcoming weekend!


Monday, May 28, 2018

Remembering Memorial Day

(Note: OTS' Monday Tool Review will return next week with some great quilting travel tools)
Even though most Americans will celebrate today with BBQ's and picnics, we must remember that this day is to honor those who have died for our country while in military service. At OTS, we are grateful for these brave men and women who fought and died for our freedom. Whilst we will be enjoying this day, we will also remember why it's called Memorial Day.

Friday, May 25, 2018

Flashback Friday: I Spy

Hope you're all enjoying your Friday.
For today's flashback, we thought 
we'd share a little I Spy quilt that was 
the one of the first OTS Instagram posts.
 It was such fun to make these free motion swirls!!